Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Charlieman - A Day in the Life

Today was a "Stay at home with mommy day" for Charlieman and myself.  This is how it went...

We slept in until 8 o'clock.  Then a bouncing little boy that remembered what today was crawled onto our bed.  With a big grin on his face he said "mommy, today is a stay home with you day, what are we going to do?"  I asked him "Well, Charlieman, what would you like to do?"

"Mommy, I need to think about it.  HMMMM, I'm thinking" with his little finger tapping on his lips.

Charlie graciously agreed to recreate his "HMMMM, I'm thinking" face so I could get a picture of him.

He decided on crunchy toast for breakfast.  Then we watched a Halloween episode of Umizoomi because "ghosts aren't real mommy, but they are my friends."  We played doctor, of course I was the one with a bellyache that was cured by having my heart listened to, my reflexes checked, and a couple shots.  Roads were made out of toilet paper.  Inside dirt (oatmeal) was hauled by diggers and dumptrucks.  Right before lunch, my friend Laura and her twins Noah and Grace came over and we frosted and decorated cupcakes.  We had crunchy pizza and crunchy garlic bread for lunch (Charlie loves everything to be crunchy lately).  By 2 o'clock our friends had headed home and Charlie could barely keep his eyes open.  He took a nap and I enjoyed some time for myself.  Our snack after nap was ice cream and we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks while we waited for Daddy to get home from work.

We had a wonderful Charlieman and mommy day. 

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